Jasper Art Review 2024: The Best AI Image Generator?

Jasper logo next to a vector image of a paintbrush.

Are you tired of always using the same stock images everyone else uses and long to create eye-catching visuals that truly represent your vision? Jasper Art may be the solution you’ve been looking for.

Jasper Art is the perfect solution to avoid spending so much time scouring the Internet for the perfect photo for your content. It’s the best AI writing and art-generating hybrid.

As someone who has tried out numerous AI art generators, I’ve compiled this comprehensive review to answer all your burning questions about Jasper Art, from what it is, how to use it, the pros and cons, and more. I aim to provide the insights you need to determine if Jasper Art is the perfect AI image generator for you. 

So whether you’re a blogger, a YouTuber, a digital artist, or are just curious, let’s discover the possibilities together and unlock the potential of one of the best AI image generators out there!

What is Jasper Art?

The Jasper Art landing page.

Jasper Art is an AI art generator that uses text-to-image prompts that allow you to create stunning images in seconds! 

It uses artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning algorithms, and deep neural networks (DALL-E 2 from OpenAI) to create original works of art. DALL-E 2 has been fed billions of pictures with descriptions to learn styles and patterns from humans to create realistic images.

Create drawings, photos, collages, and different styles of paintings for fun. You can also use it for inspiration for your graphic design work or create featured images for your blog posts and thumbnails for YouTube. The opportunities are endless!

Here is a quick example of how easy it is to use Jasper Art.

Four images of an oil painting of a charcuterie board generated by Jasper Art.
Prompt: Create a photorealistic oil painting of a festive brunch charcuterie board. The painting should showcase the bounty of meats, cheeses, fruits, and nuts beautifully arranged on the board. Pay attention to the colors and textures of the ingredients while also capturing the ambiance of the occasion. Add your personal artistic touch to capture the dynamism of the gathering.

All I did was give Jasper a descriptive text prompt of what I wanted it to create, and within seconds Jasper generated these four stunning images that are entirely original! The more descriptive, the better. That’s how easy AI art generation is!

How to Use Jasper Art

I’ve just given you an example of me using Jasper Art. But how exactly did I do it, and how can you do it too?

It’s straightforward and quick!

  1. Go to jasper.ai/art
The Jasper Art homepage with the Try Jasper Free button emphasized with a red rectangle.
  1. Select “Try Jasper Free.”
  2. Create an account with Jasper and start a free 7-day trial or start paying for one of their monthly or yearly subscriptions.
  3. Log into your account.
The Your Content button on the Jasper Art Dashboard.
  1. On the left side of your Dashboard, go to “Your content.”
Selecting “New art” under Your content using Jasper Art.
  1. Select “New art.”
  2. You have now entered the Jasper Art AI art generator!
The Jasper Art AI art generator.

In the text box, describe what you want to create. Feel free to use the “Enhance prompt” button to have Jasper instantly create a more detailed text prompt for better results. 

You can also drag and drop an image from your computer to create different styles and variations of that image using the style preferences below:

  • Mood
  • Medium
  • Inspiration
  • Style
  • Keywords

My Experience with Jasper Art

Jasper Art is an excellent tool for all types of individuals, from bloggers and content creators to illustrators and enthusiasts.

I’ve spent some time playing around with different art generators, and the Jasper Art feature that stood out to me the most is their “Templates.” The templates are for specific use cases, including food photography, product closeups, storybook illustrations, and more.

Jasper Art templates.

As someone with a background in Art, I was most curious about the Storybook Illustration template. I selected the Storybook Illustration template with the text prompt, “A girl holding a red balloon wearing a dress walking down a cobblestone road during the day.”

Four illustrations of a girl holding a red balloon walking down a cobblestone road using Jasper Art.
Prompt: A girl holding a red balloon wearing a dress walking down a cobblestone road during the day.

Jasper Art did a good job generating these four illustrations in seconds. All of these illustrations look like authentic illustrations that could be seen in a book.

However, despite looking great, some illustrations could be more accurate. I specifically told Jasper Art to have the girl holding the balloon, but she only holds it in one image.

The other problem is you can’t change the aspect ratio. All images generated with Jasper Art are fixed at a 1:1 square, which can be incredibly limiting when incorporating illustrations in a storybook.

Let’s take things further and see if Jasper can use a different medium in more detail. This time I used the prompt, “A girl holding a red balloon wearing a dress walking down a cobblestone road during the day, detailed ink drawing.”

Four detailed ink illustrations of a girl holding a red balloon walking down a cobblestone road using Jasper Art.
Prompt: A girl holding a red balloon wearing a dress walking down a cobblestone road during the day, detailed ink drawing.

These images turned out even better, with a higher level of detail with more of an ink line-drawing feel.

Jasper Art Main Features

Jasper is the best AI art generator for content marketers or those looking for the best AI writing and art combination. 

Here are the main features that make Jasper Art stand out among other AI Art generators!


Jasper Art templates.

Something unique about Jasper Art that many other AI art generators lack is its templates. These templates give Jasper more context regarding what type of art you create for more accurate results.

The Food Photography template in Jasper Art.

These templates generate ink art, illustrations, product closeups, and more. 

For example, if you’re writing a children’s book and don’t want to hire an illustrator, you can use Jasper Art to draw these illustrations instead! Let Jasper do all the work by generating the content and images.

Or, if you are designing a menu for a restaurant, use the Food Photography template to generate images rather than sourcing stock images or spending thousands of dollars on a photographer to take photos for you. 

The opportunities are endless!

Enhance Prompt Button

A basic text prompt using Jasper Art.
Original text prompt.
An Enhanced text prompt using Jasper Art.
Enhanced text prompt.

Something unique about Jasper Art is that you can place a basic text prompt in the field, and Jasper can instantly enhance it by making it more descriptive. All you have to do is hit the “Enhance prompt” button, and boom! 

The “Enhance prompt” button makes your results much more accurate and true to your vision, saving you time and effort.

Image Uploader

The image uploader on Jasper Art.

If you want to use an existing image that you have and use AI to stylize it, that’s no problem for Jasper Art. Just drag and drop the image or browse it from your computer, enter a text prompt, and there you go!

With Jasper Art, experimenting with new styles on existing photos is fun and takes seconds.

Image Customization

The image customization settings in Jasper Art.

Jasper has many image customization options that many other AI image generators lack. 

Select the mood, medium, inspiration, style, keywords, and language. Or don’t bother with these settings. The choice is yours!

These image customization settings help guide those new to AI image generation and help users get more accurate results.

Jasper Art Pros

  1. User Friendly
  2. Thriving Facebook Group
  3. Reliable Support
  4. Fast Image Generation
  5. Original Images

User Friendly

Welcome to Jasper Art pop-up window.

Jasper Art is user-friendly and easy to use, with a welcoming interface and clean UI. Unlike other AI art generators like Midjourney, which has a steeper learning curve, anyone can quickly get started with a free 7-day trial from Jasper and try things out!

Getting Started button in Jasper Art.

You can access the “Getting Started” welcome guide anytime when using Jasper Art. This guide includes an entertaining video tutorial to get started, a written guide on how to use Jasper Art, and valuable tips & tricks.

Thriving Facebook Group

The Jasper Facebook group banner.

Jasper has a free private Facebook group with more than 50,000 people. Connect with other community members, learn more about AI, and ask any questions you may have!

Reliable Support

Jasper Support bubble.

Speaking of asking questions, if you ever have any, you can always go to the help button (the question mark on the bottom right). You have plenty of resources for whatever help you may need.

  • Jasper 101: A series of courses
    • New to Jasper? Series (how to get started with Jasper)
    • Jasper Jumpstart (how to become a Jasper Pro) 
  • Ask the community
    • A redirect to the private Jasper Facebook Group that you can join 
  • Join a live Q&A call
    • A live 30-minute training class to learn how to create excellent content with Jasper (every Monday to Thursday, 11 AM EST/10 AM CST)
  • Get support
    • Access Jasper help articles to get instant answers or send a question to support (they usually answer within a few hours)

Fast Image Generation

Jasper Art generates four amazing images quickly (it only takes a few seconds!) This speed is impressive compared to other AI art generators that can take up to one minute or longer.

Original Images

Every image you generate with Jasper Art is entirely original, so whatever you generate is unique and has never been seen by another person, which is pretty cool!

Jasper Art Cons

  1. Distortion
  2. No Image Editing
  3. Fixed Aspect Ratios
  4. No Variations
  5. Fixed Number of Image Generations


An AI-generated image of the Mona Lisa.

One of the biggest downfalls of Jasper Art is that it can be prone to distorting your images, especially regarding finer details. I asked Jasper to create an image of “the Mona Lisa,” and everything looks fine, except for her hands which are morphed together.

The more detailed the text prompt, the less the distortion, so take advantage of the “Enhance prompt” button!

No Image Editing

With Jasper Art, you cannot edit your images after you have generated them. If you want to edit your pictures, you must download your photo, leave Jasper, and use an image editing software like Photoshop.

It would be nice if Jasper Art had an image editor within the platform to edit images directly.

Fixed Aspect Ratio

Jasper Art creates AI-generated images with a 1:1 aspect ratio, meaning you can only generate square photos, which can be incredibly limiting.

No Variations

Some AI art generators like Midjourney allow you to select one of the images you have generated and create more versions based on the image selected. Creating image variations enables users to refine their photos until they match their vision.

Unfortunately, Jasper Art does not have this feature. Allowing users to select their preferred image generation and create more versions would produce more accurate results.

Fixed Number of Image Generations

Jasper Art generates four images simultaneously within seconds. However, you can’t generate more photos from a single text prompt for more variations.

It would be nice if Jasper Art allowed users to choose how many images they can generate per text prompt.

Who Should Use Jasper Art?

Anyone can use Jasper Art with a computer, Wi-Fi connection, and creative imagination! However, there are a handful of people Jasper Art is most suitable for.


Jasper is the perfect tool for bloggers keen on using artificial intelligence for content creation. Jasper can write your content for you while also creating images from featured to embed throughout the text.

So if you’re a blogger looking to invest in an AI writing tool, you might as well look to Jasper as your all-in-one solution to generate your articles from start to finish, pictures and all. 

Small Businesses

Jasper is great for small businesses that don’t want to hire brand agencies because it can be the copywriter, photographer/designer at once! 

The most successful brands have a consistent tone of voice with impressive imagery and graphics. Use Jasper as an all-in-one solution for copywriting, photography, and design.

Digital Artists

Many digital artists like myself use stock images in their work. But this gets annoying fast. 

I’ll have multiple stock photography websites open at once in my browser and go from one website to the next, looking for the perfect photo. But why not use an AI image generator like Jasper to create images in a few seconds?

Jasper Art is also great for streamlining your work for clients or experimenting with different artistic styles, especially in conjunction with their templates. 

Jasper Art Pricing

Jasper Monthly Billing Plans.
Jasper Monthly Billing Plans
Jasper Annual Billing Plans.
Jasper Annual Billing Plans (Save 20%)

You can try Jasper Art on their 7-day free trial and generate up to 200 photos (that’s quite a bit!) After that, you’ll have to pay for one of their monthly or annual billing plans:

  • Jasper Monthly Billing Plans
    • Creator: $49/month
    • Teams: $125/month
    • Business: Custom Pricing
  • Jasper Annual Billing Plans (Save 20%)
    • Creator: $39/month billed yearly
    • Teams: $99/month billed yearly
    • Business: Custom Pricing

All of the paid Jasper plans come with unlimited images and words generated by AI, among other features depending on your chosen plan.

If you’re starting with Jasper Art, I recommend starting with the 7-day free trial on the monthly Creator plan for $49 to see how you like it. If you’re happy with it, switch to the annual plan to save 20%.

Jasper Art Alternatives

If you’ve tried Jasper Art and it isn’t the right fit for you, try these Jasper Art alternatives that I have personally tried!

1. Dream Studio by Stability AI

The Dream Studio homepage.

Similarities: Dream Studio vs Jasper Art

  • Different styles to choose from
  • Takes seconds to generate images
  • Upload an image to create variations
  • Produce quality image results

Differences: Dream Studio vs Jasper Art

  • Dream Studio allows you to generate up to 10 photos per text prompt, while Jasper allows you to generate a fixed number of 4 images at a time
  • Dream Studio includes negative prompts to specify what you want to avoid
  • Dream Studio allows you to create ~100 images for free with no time constraints and a pay-as-you-go credit system, whereas with Jasper Art, you get a free 7-day trial where you can generate up to 200 photos and then you must pay a subscription

Dream Studio and Jasper Art are AI art generators that allow users to generate images in seconds with different styles. However, there are some notable differences between the two. 

Dream Studio allows users to generate up to 10 photos per text prompt and includes negative prompts for specifying what to avoid. It also offers a free option where users can create  ~100 images without time constraints and a pay-as-you-go credit system. 

On the other hand, Jasper Art provides a free 7-day trial with the ability to generate up to 200 photos, after which a subscription is required for continued use. Jasper Art also only generates a fixed number of 4 images at a time.

2. Canva

The Canva free online AI image generator homepage.

Similarities: Canva vs Jasper Art

  • Different styles to choose from
  • Generate four images at once per text prompt
  • Takes seconds to generate images

Differences: Canva vs Jasper Art

  • Canva gives you example prompts in case you don’t know where to start
  • Canva does not have an “Enhance prompt” feature to make your prompt more automatically descriptive
  • Canva has three different aspect ratios to choose from (square, portrait, and landscape), whereas Jasper Art has a fixed square aspect ratio which can be limiting
  • Canva allows you to edit any of your AI-generated photos by placing them on the canvas and double-clicking it
  • Canva’s AI image generator gives you unlimited image generations, while you can only generate up to 200 photos with Jasper Art for free during their 7-day free trial

Canva is another AI art generator most similar to Jasper Art, considering it is also an all-in-one tool.

Both Canva and Jasper Art provide users with different styles and generate four images simultaneously per text prompt within seconds. However, Canva stands out by offering example prompts to assist you if you are unsure where to start, while Jasper Art does not provide this feature. 

Canva also allows you to edit AI-generated photos by placing them on the canvas and offers three different aspect ratios (square, portrait, and landscape). In contrast, Jasper Art has a fixed square aspect ratio, which can be limiting, and does not provide image editing capabilities. 

Another big thing to note is that Canva’s AI image generator is entirely free forever, while Jasper Art offers a 7-day free trial with a limit of generating up to 200 photos.

3. Midjourney

The Midjourney homepage.

Similarities: Midjourney vs Jasper Art

  • Generate four images at once per text prompt

Differences: Midjourney vs Jasper Art

  • Midjourney does not have predetermined styles to choose from
  • Midjourney is not as user-friendly as Jasper Art
  • Midjourney produces much higher quality images with less distortion than Jasper Art
  • Jasper Art has a 7-day free trial, while Midjourney does not offer AI image generation for free
  • Jasper Art generates four images in seconds, while Midjourney takes about 1 minute to generate four images

Midjourney and Jasper Art are AI art generators that generate four images simultaneously based on text prompts. Here are the main differences between the two. 

Unlike Jasper Art, Midjourney does not provide predetermined styles to choose from. While Midjourney is praised for producing impressively high-quality images with minimal distortion, it is considered less user-friendly than Jasper Art. 

In addition, Jasper Art offers a 7-day free trial, whereas Midjourney does not provide AI image generation for free. Lastly, Jasper Art generates four images in seconds, while Midjourney takes approximately 1 minute to generate the same number of images.

Jasper Art: Final Verdict

Undoubtedly, Jasper Art is an exceptional AI image generator, demonstrating its remarkable capabilities. It can generate high-quality images, catering particularly well to bloggers and content marketers seeking a comprehensive solution combining AI-written content and images, as its subscription plans offer unlimited access to both. 

However, alternative platforms like Canva, Dream Studio, or Midjourney may be more suitable for those solely focused on an AI image generator.


Does Jasper Art cost money?

If you get the free 7-day Jasper trial, Jasper Art costs no money. During this trial, you can generate up to 200 images for free! After that, you’ll have to start paying for one of their subscription plans, starting at $39/month on the annual plan or $49/month on the monthly plan.

Can Jasper generate images?

Yes! In addition to generating written content with AI and other features, Jasper can generate four images simultaneously in seconds with Jasper Art.

How to make money with Jasper Art?

There are many ways to make money with Jasper Art; you just have to get creative. Here are some ideas to get you thinking:

  • Illustrate children’s books with Jasper Art’s Storybook Illustration Template
  • Create greeting cards
  • Design book covers
  • Create wall art
  • Start doing print on demand

Is Jasper Art legit?

Yes, Jasper Art is legit. Jasper Art is great for anyone looking to get into AI image generation, particularly Bloggers and Content Marketers tired of scouring stock photography websites searching for the perfect photos for their content.

How much is Jasper Art per month?

Jasper has three monthly plans that allow you to generate written content and art, among other features:

  • Creator: $49/month
  • Teams: $125/month
  • Business: Custom Pricing

Is Jasper Art free to use?

Jasper Art has a 7-day free trial that allows you to generate up to 200 photos for free!

What’s the best AI image generator?

There are many great AI image generators, but the best AI image generator I have come across is the one offered by Canva. It’s user friendly, you can create unlimited image generations and edit them within Canva.

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